Wednesday, April 18, 2012

BUSTED: Debra Irvine forced to step down for violating GOP By laws.

Debra Irvine was just forced to step down for violating GOP By laws.
At the Monday night Summit County GOP meeting on March 12th I publicly called on Debra Irvine to step down as GOP chair.
She turned beet red, tried to laugh it off and told me, "Not a chance."
So, I decided to post a story warning the delegates that were heading to the state convention to not vote for her because of her under handed practices. You can read the story here.

I sent her a text message on April 13th demanding she step down by Monday the 16th or I would publish all the dirt I have on her that was shared with me from the people closest to her over the years.

This is a portion of her emailed response later on that day.

Letter dated 4/13 to Summit GOP Central Committee.

I will be resigning at our next Central Committee meeting on May 14, 2012 at which time we will elect a new chairman. Our bylaws require that an officer vacancy be filled by an election by the Central Committee.

Debra Irvine
Summit County Republicans

Now Monday, May 14th, is almost a month after the April 16th deadline I gave her in my text message to her. Thus the reason for me writing this story.
Debra then proceeded to lie, (something that comes very naturally to her) and tell everyone in another email that she was "planning all along to step down" and that it had nothing to do with her unethical behavior. Her ego is like nothing I have ever seen. What does the Bible say about Pride coming before the fall?

"I'd be hard pressed to find someone more delusional than her" was a common comment I've personally heard from several central committee members.

She then broke some more GOP By laws on April 17th and used her Chair Position to make SEVERAL illegal press releases trying to bolster her deflating HD 61 campaign against Constitutionalist David Justice. She only earned one more delegate vote than Justice which gives her top line on the primary ballot.
That one vote was the one she stole from me!! (See
They now go head to head in the up coming GOP primary.
David must win the primary because he is the only one who can "defeat" the other candidate for the Republican nomination.

Well, it seems, she broke one "by law" too many. Finally! After being reported to the State GOP Chair, Ryan Call, this was the email everyone received.

"As you know, I sent out notice last Friday that I would be resigning. Today I am stepping aside to allow our Vice Chairman of Operations assume all duties of Acting Chairman of the Summit County GOP - to take responsibility for the upcoming Lincoln Day Dinner on May 4 and to administer the election of a new County Party Chairman at the meeting of the County Central Committee meeting already scheduled for May 14.

I make this decision for no other reason than to avoid even the potential for the appearance of conflict between the roles as Republican candidate and Chairman. It is important to maintain the transparency and integrity of the Party process that we've worked hard on."

What hog wash. Debra is the queen of double speak. Slavery is Freedom, Ignorance is strength, war is peace and Debra Irvine should be elected to the State legislature.
Finally the Summit County GOP can move forward and embrace real republican values that have been suppressed these past 5 years!!! Good riddence. What a breath of fresh air!!!

Joby Weeks
Blue River


  1. Joby, Irvine didn't "defeat" Justice at the HD61 assembly. She earned one more delegate vote than Justice which only gives her top line on the primary ballot. Whoever wins the primary will "defeat" the other candidate for the Republican nomination.

    (Sorry to be pedantic, but I wouldn't want anyone to think Irvine has already won the nomination.)

  2. I also have yet to publish the info I have learned from her friends. I've extended an olive branch with voice mails, emails and texts. I ask again for these people to leave me alone or these TRUE stories will continue. They have been harrasing me ever since I became a Ron Paul National Delegate in 2008. Im tired of it.
